BHW Group Blog


October 9 2014
Paul Francis / Business
App Development icon

Moving into web and mobile app development is a strong business decision for many companies. Building apps lets you interact directly with your customers in exciting new ways, and can strengthen brand loyalty among consumers. It gives you a new channel for getting your message out, and even lets you learn more about your target market.

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October 7 2014
Brett Burnett / Business
Web Development in Austin

2015 marks BHW's ninth year of web development in Austin. It's fun for us to chat with old clients and hear that they're still using systems we built for them nine years ago. Recently during a college recruiting trip we actually had to register for a career fair and post jobs in a system that we built for a client in 2002. We're so happy to see projects like these stand the test of time, because nine years in web development might as well be an eternity.

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October 6 2014
Dean Davison / Business
Hadoop logo

Data analysis and presentation tend to be common weak points of web and mobile applications for many businesses. Most have legacy reporting solutions, which still use straight SQL queries for reporting. This provides little, if any, flexibility to the user.

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