BHW Group Blog


January 20 2015
Taylor Smith / Development
AngularJS Translation

This is part 2 of my article about i18n and l10n. If you don't know what these are, go see part 1 of my article. Otherwise let's dive right in and cover some of the big problems and steps to take while implementing angular-translate.

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January 5 2015
Taylor Smith / Development
AngularJS Translation

As the world grows closer through the internet, more companies need websites that are translated into other languages. Businesses that target other cultures, nationalities, and languages need a way to provide this feature in a way that is responsive and maintainable. There are many guides and blogs online that refer to this as i18n (internationalization) and l10n (localization). This article is the first of two posts and will look at common javascript libraries and tools that can be used for translation services.

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